I am a Taiwanese artist who thrives to create works that spark curiosity and bridge communities together. I strive to create experiences that stir conversations and shed light on the invisible.

My work is about how I connect to the world and the connections around me. I am curious about how different experiences converge in one place. I do not want to label myself as an artist, and because of my Taiwanese upbringing and moving to the United States as an eighteen year old, my Asian experience is inherently going to be humming in the background consciously or unconsciously. When a spark of an idea comes forward, it is a visceral feeling. The feeling towards a point of connection, that grows into vulnerability of the unknown, the unrevealed, or the unspoken between the lines.

I describe my movements as rushing waves and internal grooves that stem from individual experiences. I enjoy working with words or sentences to explore how disjointed the movement experience can be. All the while seeing how this disjointed experience creates a very guttural and profound relationship for me.

Movement is the most honest form of expression in my opinion. The purest form of telling stories; It communicates the person fully, and their full self can be brought forward. When I am in a creative process, it is important for me to bring lightheartedness and playfulness into a collaborative choreographic process. I value "mistakes", because they showcase the necessity for curiosity, perseverance, and intuitive thinking. I believe that supporting each other's risk taking is the environment where imagination becomes reality. Moreover, to build a world that is bigger than myself.